This site is the archive of the Socrates (Lingua
1) LRC project which ran from 2001-2003
The Language
Resource Centre handbook: Guidelines for setting up, running and
expanding Language Resource Centres (LRCs), is the main publication
resulting from the LRC project. It is available in all 16 project languages
and can be downloaded from this site. It covers practical aspects of setting
up, running and expanding LRCs: focusing on Management; Users; Services
and Facilities. It draws on the experience of all partners in the LRC
project and includes checklists, case studies, tips and references.
Contributions of other relevant references, documents and materials which
could not be included in the publication itself have been made available
on-line in Supplementary resources.
This section follows the structure of the Language Resource Centre handbook
and contains materials in different languages and formats. The navigation
language is English - but, if necessary, you can use the appropriate language
version of the Language Resource Centre handbook to help you find your
way around.
Supplementary resources is a dynamic section. We hope you find it useful
and you are welcome to add to it by e-mailing contributions (in any language)
to [email protected]
Supplementary Resources |